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Autor Tema: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.  (Leído 53749 veces)
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16 Diciembre, 2008, 22:04:38 #45
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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.

Venga, si haces un Polikarpov I-16, será el primer avión de pago que tenga para el X-plane  Sonreir

16 Diciembre, 2008, 22:11:26 #46
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En el hangar construyendo aviones

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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.

JAJAJAJA lo que me voy a hacer ahora mismo es una tortilla de patatas!!!!!

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16 Diciembre, 2008, 22:11:54 #47
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liberate tute me ex inferis

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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.

Bueno, creo que este post se puede ir cerrando ya, porque vuestro amigo Nico ha vuelto a soltar sus grandes palabras y luego ha cerrado el post sin posibilidad de replica.

ya nos diras en que lo has insultado tan profundamente chico...

16 Diciembre, 2008, 22:52:03 #48
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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.

pues mira.. vuelvo a poner el mail.. de resumen pero tal y como lo escribí a los moderadores, después de haberme borrado el topic.. y comprobar al preguntar tranquilamente donde estaba el post, ver que me ponía un "this post has to be seeing by a moderator.. as soon as it is seen then it will be post.

Le contesté con la sangre caliente, hay sarcasmo.. y palabras que a nadie le gusta escuchar a uno como "no es un tipo muy listo, pena por el que me hizo esto.. y demás.. pero jamás.. gilipollas cabron.. ladron... mierda.. etc..etc.. etc...). Fráncamente no le veía solución.. ni la quería después de eso.
Se tomaron la justicia por su mano.. y no me dejan hablar.. los mínimos sapos que podían salir de mi boca son estos. No tengo nada más que ocultar. Soy eso.. un tren a toda ostia a veces. Lo siento por ello. Me pasa en mi trabajo también y no se como no me echan.. pero la verdad es que valoran esa parte de mi.. por que no me cabe el politiqueo ni el peloteo.

pues eso.. que se cierre si quereis.. estoy cansado.. la verdad.

One more thing.. I want to send to you all, all the emails and the personal messages we wrote between Nicolas and me, to let you know (if you don't know) the kind of person he is. Maybe he is very good... Very hard worker.. Very polite sometimes... But here is my truth.
Of course maybe you won't believe a liar, that made trick on the contest of the TEXAN.. doesn't matter to me.. this is the truth.. and only me and Nicolas knows it.
So the only thing I believe that happened in all of that.. is that.. for some reason.. Nicolas.. never ever wanted to put my plane on Store. Or put it.. at a very low price.. to let all the people think. is 10$ so it has to be a shit. yes.. good looking but nothing more.
Well.. all my buyers... are greatly happy. Sorry for others that could join the javelin experience.

This are the mails: Red Nicolas (of course is the bad guy for me). Green (the hero) myself. (You maybe think I am asshole. Think twice men).

(27 Nov) Hi Javier,
It's 25%, including paypal and other store fees.
So, it's not expensive at all.
Firts I would like to try the plane to see what it's worth in the store.
For $20, it will have  to be of a high quality.
Please send me the plane so I can have me and the moderators test it.


(27 Nov)Ok, as soon as I finish litlle things I'll send you.

Hi Nicolas, (6-dic)

The plane is almost finish, so I think on this weekend I am going to send it to you.. is there anything I should know before sending it? Should I send it to this direction? (well it will be 70 megs or so)



(6 dic) If it is 70Meg, do not send it via email.
Can you have an FTP link?

(6 dic) Well I can send you via megaupload or something like that. I was so tired yesterday to tell you I couldn't via mail.

(8 Dic)Hi Nicolas!

Well.. after 3 months of hard work, the Javelin is on version 1.0
As we talk before, I was thinking publishing it on x-plane.org for sale.. but first the instructions and the download links:

(un link)

This is the main files for the Javelin 123 MB. Is a Zip file that you can decompress in any folder you like inside aircraft on x-plane 9.21   The password to decompress it is "*******" ok?
With that you cannot fly, you have to copy the other zip I send you here. The most important one. The ACF.

I do all of these because protection of the plane. Sorry for that.

Well.. I Know you are going to share that plane with other moderators of x-plane to test it. Of course I don't like it too much.  I would like to ask you not share it with many people, please. If it can be 2 better than 3, it would be nice! Sonrisa

Now, what is included in this release?

1. an obj plane based, with 3d obj cockpit Textures of 2048 resolution

2. full animated pilot outside the plane viewable.

3. Real HUD. I know there is another plane that is going to release the HUD. It was first to discover how to do it. I asked him, but he didn't wanted to tell me the secret because selling hit. I studied how to do it, and is done. Of course with altimeter, etc... The Hurrican one only has a target circle on the hud.
So if I sell it now, the Javelin will be the first selling it. So maybe more sells

4. Real dinamic Strobe light. You can see your strobe flash on the fuselage of the plane. This is the first to do it. The people is starting to study how.. and there is an helicopter that discovered the trick. But still the first plane.

5. 10 liveries. Yes.. 10, of several countries. UK, USA, Italy, Spain, France, Germany.. plus other paints. (just the png paints.. no more than the necesary to make them work)

6. 46 pages of manual, and avionics tutorial, in PDF

7. Custom sounds

8. Livery templates, for any photoshop.. and something never seen before a 3D CS4 Photoshop PSD for painting in 3D included!!!

9. Config files made for PilotView, to a correct view inside the cockpit (limitations for the TrackIR not letting your head go outside the cockpit) and also close instruments view for a better click-able switches.

So.. what I want from all of this. My idea is to sell it for 20-25$. I think 20 is ok, because I want to earn 15$ per each plane sold (your earn 5$) if I am going to earn less than 15$ I want to sell it by 25$.

I want to continue having the rights of the plane to sell it in other places. Of course I am going to make publicity on forums.. in french, german, japan, calling to visit the org site to buy it.. but I want to have totally control over the sellings on Spain and hispanic language countries...where I will sell it by the same price as the org one.... and rights in a future. I don't like to loose that rights.

I would like to have publicity and banners on the org. I know you put publicity.. but the only big one it was about the P-51, In all forum messages. Of course.. this would be nice.. but this is your choice. I think the plane is very good and can sell a good number. The only problem is publicity. Let the people now it. I can earn more money and you also for it.

You told me that to sell this plane for 20$ had to be great. I think is one of the best planes ever seen on x-plane.. Of course it will have mistakes.. and bugs.. and.. etc.. but It's all made with love..  hardly betatested, and will continue to have upgrades for sure.

Well.. . if you are interested in this.. we'll talk about it and have instructions. I want to sell it before christmas. I think the files I send you are ready to be sold. If you think you don't want to sell it, please don't make copies to other people and destroy the files.. and all the others you copy to.

This is a good product. For sure.

Hope you enjoy it!!

Javier Rollon

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16 Diciembre, 2008, 22:52:14 #49
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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.

As you can see here, never EVER NEEVER said someting of 10$. Even I sayd 25$!!!!!!. of course no thanks for the delivery. Very polite!!!
I write to him one day later worried about no news about the plane.

(9 dic) Hi Nicolas.
Did you saw the mail of the Javelin I sent you? Did you test it?

his great entusiastic reply is:

(09 dic) Javier,
I only tried it briefly . Very nice.
Just one thing: The panel is kind of hard to read.
Is this the final version or will you have more coming?

(09 dic) Hi Nicolas!

This is the final comercial one. As you now (I've been working on game industry for 11 years) a product is never finish. Now is ready to be sold. There has been a beta testing and I solve all the problems. Still we are testing it.. and as soon as the product is online.. and there are changes, I'll start to call it 1.1, 1.2 etc...
If everything is ok, I will make more leveries, Have to translate the doc to spanish, and sure correct the english one.
But is finish. The problem with the panel is easy. If you install the pilotview, there are pre-view points, were you can see very close the instruments... so is no problem. But allways there was that problem on X-plane for sure. Also if you use the TrackIr, always you can be closer to the instruments. The textures are clear.. but is the way x-plane draws them.

You have seen that the file are very huge. 130 mg is very large for downloading. So the plane can be split in different parts. The main plane with the default texture. 40-60mg... and other file for free downdoading with the liveries, the documentation, the template, and misc files. And in the future the CLSs etc...
or the way you like it.

What do you think?


Two more days I see the news on the org. You were putting the hurrican news.. and so amazing 3D cockpit (for sure!!!), and later this month, you will include the javelin from Javier and the mu-2 of Tom. I have no mail of Nicolas or other.. in my mail acounts.. or messages.. of talking about the permision to sell on the store. Of course I wanted.. and for that reason, I didn't say anything to Nicolas. Maybe he sent me a mail.. that was lost.. o don't know. WHAT HE SHOULD DO IS WAIT FOR MY CONFIRMATION THAT NEVER HAD. Ask for that mail of mine!.

That day he send me a clear mail of all!!!!!!

(11 dic) ok, we'll try to do something this week-end

do what? upload it? sell it? of course I though of selling it.. because you put the news online.. so I start to offer help:

(11 dic) Ok.. perfect... if you want a banner I have this

I send to him a big banner. of course I know that is a big banner.. but I can convert it.. at the size he wants. I wanted to send it the size it was because better judge it. Better looking at it.
His great entusiastic answer:

(12 dic)Tx, the banner is a bit big ....

is that an sms or a mail between two people that want to have a deal? Of course he didn´t wnat to have a deal.. Days latter I would discover it.. but your chief is not so clever.

(12 dic) which is the size you need?

No answer to that simple question.

Next I work hard that weekend.. and publish my plane. On one of the mails says about the deal has to be that I must have the rights of the sales in other places. I told him.. that I wouldn't never ever be a problem for .org because you are bigger than me.
his anwer was in a private message on the org. He told me that that was not what we talked.. that was 10$ (WTF!!!!! WHERE???!!!!) and that you were going to test it this weekend on to give me a resolution about sellling or not (so.. what about the news you gave?Huh?!!!) Great man!!!

I think.. very polite for my side.. said.. ok. Please delete the files... and don't use them.

I put a message on the topic..of the javelin.. and told that there were not going to be sold on the org.. because no deal.. that they could find me on my site or fs-center or wilko (those are going to be mostly sure!.. and I wanted also on your site.. and have fight with Wilko to sell on your site!!! For what? nothing!!

Nicolas delete of course the messaje and talk me about hamburguers....

    (15 dic)
You can mention your plane and sell it on your site. that's fine.

You cannot advertise other distribution sites here. If you decide to sell it somewhere else, fine. They will have to do the advertising, not us:).

They do not advertise Mc Donalds at Burger King, do they?

He is right!!! so I accept the rules.. so start talking about my product. No spam.. don't want to.. but I make more visible.. with that banner that Nicolas didn't want to...

Because I had no answer on the mail I beg to delete the javelin files to you all.. or buy it.. of course!!! I wrote the mail you know.

so.. You know the rest. I every post I want to write on the org.. is censored.

so.. bye bye.. and the only way I could return to the .org.. is a public sorry on the forums.. great visible!!! and a banner to my plane.. sold by the org.. of course.. with your 25%

This of course it won't happend.. because for you.. I am the bad guy.. and Nicolas.. or anyone that supports him.. is the hero. So.. start modifying the colour of the mail.. for me a red please and for you a green Nicolas.

I repeat again shame on the person who made that!! shame!!!

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16 Diciembre, 2008, 22:53:06 #50
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En el hangar construyendo aviones

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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.

pues mira.. vuelvo a poner el mail.. de resumen pero tal y como lo escribí a los moderadores, después de haberme borrado el topic.. y comprobar al preguntar tranquilamente donde estaba el post, ver que me ponía un "this post has to be seeing by a moderator.. as soon as it is seen then it will be post.

Le contesté con la sangre caliente, hay sarcasmo.. y palabras que a nadie le gusta escuchar a uno como "no es un tipo muy listo, pena por el que me hizo esto.. y demás.. pero jamás.. gilipollas cabron.. ladron... mierda.. etc..etc.. etc...). Fráncamente no le veía solución.. ni la quería después de eso.
Se tomaron la justicia por su mano.. y no me dejan hablar.. los mínimos sapos que podían salir de mi boca son estos. No tengo nada más que ocultar. Soy eso.. un tren a toda ostia a veces. Lo siento por ello. Me pasa en mi trabajo también y no se como no me echan.. pero la verdad es que valoran esa parte de mi.. por que no me cabe el politiqueo ni el peloteo.

Lo negro en cursiva es lo insultante... no hay mas mails.. ni nada.

pues eso.. que se cierre si quereis.. estoy cansado.. la verdad.

One more thing.. I want to send to you all, all the emails and the personal messages we wrote between Nicolas and me, to let you know (if you don't know) the kind of person he is. Maybe he is very good... Very hard worker.. Very polite sometimes... But here is my truth.
Of course maybe you won't believe a liar, that made trick on the contest of the TEXAN.. doesn't matter to me.. this is the truth.. and only me and Nicolas knows it.
So the only thing I believe that happened in all of that.. is that.. for some reason.. Nicolas.. never ever wanted to put my plane on Store. Or put it.. at a very low price.. to let all the people think. is 10$ so it has to be a shit. yes.. good looking but nothing more.
Well.. all my buyers... are greatly happy. Sorry for others that could join the javelin experience.

This are the mails: Red Nicolas (of course is the bad guy for me). Green (the hero) myself. (You maybe think I am asshole. Think twice men).

(27 Nov) Hi Javier,
It's 25%, including paypal and other store fees.
So, it's not expensive at all.
Firts I would like to try the plane to see what it's worth in the store.
For $20, it will have  to be of a high quality.
Please send me the plane so I can have me and the moderators test it.


(27 Nov)Ok, as soon as I finish litlle things I'll send you.

Hi Nicolas, (6-dic)

The plane is almost finish, so I think on this weekend I am going to send it to you.. is there anything I should know before sending it? Should I send it to this direction? (well it will be 70 megs or so)



(6 dic) If it is 70Meg, do not send it via email.
Can you have an FTP link?

(6 dic) Well I can send you via megaupload or something like that. I was so tired yesterday to tell you I couldn't via mail.

(8 Dic)Hi Nicolas!

Well.. after 3 months of hard work, the Javelin is on version 1.0
As we talk before, I was thinking publishing it on x-plane.org for sale.. but first the instructions and the download links:

(un link)

This is the main files for the Javelin 123 MB. Is a Zip file that you can decompress in any folder you like inside aircraft on x-plane 9.21   The password to decompress it is "*******" ok?
With that you cannot fly, you have to copy the other zip I send you here. The most important one. The ACF.

I do all of these because protection of the plane. Sorry for that.

Well.. I Know you are going to share that plane with other moderators of x-plane to test it. Of course I don't like it too much.  I would like to ask you not share it with many people, please. If it can be 2 better than 3, it would be nice! Sonrisa

Now, what is included in this release?

1. an obj plane based, with 3d obj cockpit Textures of 2048 resolution

2. full animated pilot outside the plane viewable.

3. Real HUD. I know there is another plane that is going to release the HUD. It was first to discover how to do it. I asked him, but he didn't wanted to tell me the secret because selling hit. I studied how to do it, and is done. Of course with altimeter, etc... The Hurrican one only has a target circle on the hud.
So if I sell it now, the Javelin will be the first selling it. So maybe more sells

4. Real dinamic Strobe light. You can see your strobe flash on the fuselage of the plane. This is the first to do it. The people is starting to study how.. and there is an helicopter that discovered the trick. But still the first plane.

5. 10 liveries. Yes.. 10, of several countries. UK, USA, Italy, Spain, France, Germany.. plus other paints. (just the png paints.. no more than the necesary to make them work)

6. 46 pages of manual, and avionics tutorial, in PDF

7. Custom sounds

8. Livery templates, for any photoshop.. and something never seen before a 3D CS4 Photoshop PSD for painting in 3D included!!!

9. Config files made for PilotView, to a correct view inside the cockpit (limitations for the TrackIR not letting your head go outside the cockpit) and also close instruments view for a better click-able switches.

So.. what I want from all of this. My idea is to sell it for 20-25$. I think 20 is ok, because I want to earn 15$ per each plane sold (your earn 5$) if I am going to earn less than 15$ I want to sell it by 25$.

I want to continue having the rights of the plane to sell it in other places. Of course I am going to make publicity on forums.. in french, german, japan, calling to visit the org site to buy it.. but I want to have totally control over the sellings on Spain and hispanic language countries...where I will sell it by the same price as the org one.... and rights in a future. I don't like to loose that rights.

I would like to have publicity and banners on the org. I know you put publicity.. but the only big one it was about the P-51, In all forum messages. Of course.. this would be nice.. but this is your choice. I think the plane is very good and can sell a good number. The only problem is publicity. Let the people now it. I can earn more money and you also for it.

You told me that to sell this plane for 20$ had to be great. I think is one of the best planes ever seen on x-plane.. Of course it will have mistakes.. and bugs.. and.. etc.. but It's all made with love..  hardly betatested, and will continue to have upgrades for sure.

Well.. . if you are interested in this.. we'll talk about it and have instructions. I want to sell it before christmas. I think the files I send you are ready to be sold. If you think you don't want to sell it, please don't make copies to other people and destroy the files.. and all the others you copy to.

This is a good product. For sure.

Hope you enjoy it!!

Javier Rollon

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16 Diciembre, 2008, 23:03:45 #51
Moderador Global Foro
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liberate tute me ex inferis

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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.

A mi loq ue hace que no crea a este tipo es que habla él, dice su verdad y cierra los posts, no deja que TU hables. Dice que le insultas (ahora ya dice que es un insulto personal contra él (WTF)), dice que te has burlado de ellos y que ningun moderador te quiere en el org (pero luego hay moderadores que no saben nada de esto (one in your face) y otros que alaban tu proyecto (second for disaster)).

En fin, que el coleguita se ha tomado su justicia por su mano y sus santos cojones. Yo personalmente me estoy planteando muy MUy seriamente quitar TODO lo que tengo en el org y pasarlo a otra web, aparte que ya no voy a subiar nada mas donde esta este tipejo obscecado y mafiosillo (yo sigo alucinando con los mails que me ha enviado hoy)

16 Diciembre, 2008, 23:05:32 #52
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En el hangar construyendo aviones

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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.

a mi me gusta la gente dentro del org.. (bueno.. menos a un tal michael2 que se la tengo jurada por que me queria emplumar!!! jajajajjajaa.

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17 Diciembre, 2008, 13:47:08 #53
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En el hangar construyendo aviones

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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.

vaya.... la fama ya me precede... Pido permiso en el foro aleman para postear sobre el avión. Uno de los moderadores me dice sin problema. El jefe sale y me dice que no.. que no hace falta.. que ya soy bien conocido.. y que no quieren enfrentamientos en su foro. que pena.  Triste

Menos mal que hay otros que simpaticamente me han admitido.

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17 Diciembre, 2008, 14:06:34 #54
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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.

Cámbiate a Japo 33  Sonreir

Hijos de Hitler...

19 Diciembre, 2008, 18:27:04 #55
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En el hangar construyendo aviones

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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.

Bueno pues Austin mandó un email a Nicolas, preguntándo el porque de que me echaran con copia para mi.
Nicolas le dijo:

he said that you created 10 accounts to vote for your own plane (not good!)
he said you told everyone to bother him (not good!)
you replaced your airplanes with insult to the managers of .org (not good!)

así que dice que el nícolas es el dueño y señor y que el no puede hacer nada.. Que si el hubiera sido el dueño, no me hubiera echado, ya que cree que todo el mundo puede decir lo que le de la gana.
Y poco más, Nicolas wins...

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19 Diciembre, 2008, 19:03:40 #56
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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.

19 Diciembre, 2008, 19:14:23 #57
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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.


      http://www.aeroplanes-sim.com (aeroplanes-sim.com)
      http://petersaircraft.com/ (cool stuff)
      http://www.dmax.it (cool stuff)
      http://air.c74.net (Aircraft, CH Flight Controls, Design Services)

Aquio te podria poner el Austin

Un buen aterrizaje es el que sales andando.
Un gran aterrizaje es cuando el avion puede seguir volando.

Telefonica ha cerrado mi WEB sin preaviso.
19 Diciembre, 2008, 19:34:28 #58
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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.

En dmax ya está

19 Diciembre, 2008, 19:46:24 #59
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Re: El amigo Nicolas del org.. el señor de los anillos del x-plane.

Aqui tiene otro sitio


Mi ingles es solo apto para xplane, por eso no puedo colaborar mas

Un buen aterrizaje es el que sales andando.
Un gran aterrizaje es cuando el avion puede seguir volando.

Telefonica ha cerrado mi WEB sin preaviso.
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