Lo que ves son m/s y claro que PUEDEN pasarlo a manual...al igual que pueden hacer la reentrada en manual.
Copio parte del final del Reentry manual:
Keep aligned with the runway and keep a steady descent to hit the VASI lights before the runway. Yes , right now we are not actually descending to the runway, but rather, the red and white lights about 1000 feet BEFORE the runway. Ideal approach has a 20 degree descent to the lights. At about 3000 feet, reduce speed to 250m/s.
Use slight taps of the speedbrake to try to keep the speed at 250m/s
When alt is 1500, start to bring the velocity vector up to have a landing at the beginning part of the runway. Reduce speed to 220. Drop landing gear at 500 feet altitude. Speed should be dropping now, and at about 200m/s.
Target is to be at 180m/s over the runway threshold and at 170m/s forward velocity. pitch up when over the threshold to keep the velocity vector at about where neg 0.5 degrees would be in the pitch ladder. Point is to land the shuttle with a POSITIVE pitch, and a NEGATIVE velocity vector. This should occur at about 150m/s or so. Once down, deploy speed brakes, and use rudder to keep aligned with the centerline. When aligned, engage both wheel brakes, (Comma and Period key on the REGULAR keyboard pad), and HOLD those two keys. They are not toggle type brakes. That would not be very realistic now would it? As long as you are holding comma and period, the brakes are slowing you down. I usually release the brakes at 50m/s. Drag chute separates at 30m/s. Then, just let the natural forces of nature bring you to a stop.
EDITO: Es un lio. Segun los HUDs hay desde m/s hasta Knts. Los pdf son en unidades metricas pero hay otros videos con unidades en nudos. No se bien de que va tanto cambio, hace mas de 3 años que no uso el orbiter asi que ando algo perdido con tanto cambio. No se si tiene que ver con los cambios hechos en los transbordadores o que...
En todo caso la informacion directa esta aqui
http://science.ksc.nasa.gov/shuttle/technology/sts-newsref/stsref-toc.htmlEsta web da información de APP a 200 y touchdown de 150 a 160 nudos...el que tocaba a 100 era yo xDD