perhaps it is possible to translate spanish to english using these automatic tools found everywhere at the Internet - but, perhaps, with rather poor results: spanish is a language with a much more complex grammar than english, since it derives from latin. This makes automatic translation just a dream.
Furthermore, if I was someone whose only language was english, I would be truly deceived if I'd read messages here in spanish, in spite of these translation tools. We have plenty of subforums in spanish at, covering almost every aspect, facet and corner on the subject; there is a subforum devoted to X-plane v9 and a different one that deals with X-plane (in general). There is a subforum dealing with images and videos and a couple more that could be merged in a single one: flight school and greenhorns.
If a post is misplaced - either by accident or simply because the poster didn't bother to find the right place to deposit his / her message - someone will immediately move the offending post to the right place. If someone else ask a collateral question within a thread dealing with a different subject, there will always be a user stating that this is not the right place for such a discussion.
I agree with these rules and find them very, really useful. Otherwise, it would be impossible to keep forums correctly arranged, and finding information worth the effort would be something quite similar to a child's nightmare.
However, if we are so strict when managing spanish subforums... why should we relax the discipline inside the english subforum??? If it exists, I guess, it is because someone - probably the web's big boss - thought that, perhaps, there would be an international set of users that might be interested in exchanging information with us through
Writing in spanish here is the fastest and shortest path to jeopardize this goal.
Please, let's abide to the rules... everywhere.
P.S.: This long speech is not just a declaration of principles. I recommended this web to a friend of mine who lives in Germany and told him that he could interact with us using this subforum. To his surprise, half the messages here were written in spanish... He was so surprised by what he labeled as "lack of seriousness" that he simply abandoned even before registering...

I know, germans are rather strict, but this is an example of what will happen if we do not respect our own decisions.